Electrician Serving Pocatello – Generator Installation & Generator Repair
STS Electric understands that the weather in Pocatello can change in an instant. The harsher weathers often leave residents and business owners without electricity, sometimes for extended periods of time. Don’t take the risk of being without power or worse, losing a freezer full of food! Have a guaranteed back-up power source by installing a quality generator from STS Electric. We offer competitive prices and fast installation to any residential or commercial customer in Pocatello.
Be Prepared!
It is almost impossible to be completely prepared for any situation. However, being without electricity is an easy issue to prepare for. Ensure that your home can continue to run smoothly by acquiring a quality back-up power source. Perfect for emergencies, generators will help to ensure that your home or business can continue functioning in the event of a power outage or other weather disaster.
Adapt Your Home
Pocatello has seen all types of weather wonders- tornadoes, wind storms, snow storms, and more! These things can happen in an instant, and it is important not to wait until the last minute to attempt to procure a generator. When emergencies occur, you don’t want to be caught in the crow of frenzied people trying to track down a generator! STS Electric can provide you with an automatic or manual transfer switch to back feed an outlet. We are fully equipped to adapt your home, business, or other property to having an emergency back-up power source. There are a wide variety of options available- contact us today to learn more about the benefits of installing a quality generator in your home.